Coriander(Coriandrum sativum) is also known as Chinese parsley and Cilantro at some places is an annual herb which belongs to the family of Apiaceae. The word coriander comes from the Old French word’Coriandre’ which in turn has been taken from the Latin ‘Coriandrum’. All the parts of this plant are edible, but mostly its green leaves and the dried seeds are used in cooking to enhance the taste as well as the aesthetic appeal of the dish.

Season and where it grows:

Coriander is one of the most undemanding and humble herbs. A sunny location and well – drained soil is its only requirement. It is grown in regions of Southern Europe and northern Africa to southwestern Asia. It thrives well in cool weather spring and fall. They grow well with slightly dry conditions and does not require too much fertilizer.


Health Benefits and Nutritional Information:

Coriander can rightly be called a wonder herb due to its antioxidant,analgesic,antiseptic aphrodisiac and fungicidal properties.

It is a rich source of dietary fiber, manganese,iron and magnesium. It is also a wonderful source of Vitamin C,Vitamin K and protein. Coriander juice mixed with a pinch of turmeric is effective remedy for pimples, blackheads and dry skin.

Medicinal Use of Coriander:

Coriander lowers bad cholesterol(LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL) levels. It helps in diabetes by stimulating insulin secretion and lower blood sugar levels. It even promotes liver functions and bowel movements. The presence of Vitamin K in it helps in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Its antioxidant and anti- inflammatory properties protect from lung cavity cancer and also make it useful against Arthritis.

Products from Coriander:

Coriander is used in cooking because of its sweet and spicy aroma and health benefits. Coriander seeds are dried and crushed to form a powder and used as an important spice. Recent researches have revealed that coriander oils have impressive inflammatory properties and high antioxidant levels.

Culinary Use Of Coriander:

Coriander leaves are used in making various types of chutney. Coriander seeds are powdered and used in curries,confectionary, stews , sausages and cakes.It is one of the essential spices in Indian and south Asian cooking.