Yellow eggplant

Nutritional Information of Eggplants

Eggplants have 92% water, high contents of fiber but is only 35 calorie per cup which makes it a superfood. Its real nutrition lies in its color and pigmentation. It is a good source of Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Potassium, manganese, copper,.

It’s main specialty the antioxidant known as nasunin due to its dark colored pigmentation. In India, it is called as poor man’s meat since it is available in large quantities and rich in nutrients.

Health Benefits of Yellow Eggplants

Nasunin, the antioxidants help protects the lipids in brain cell membranes from damage. Lipids are responsible for protecting the cell from free radicals, letting nutrients in and wastes out.

Eggplants being a great source of fiber helps in digestion because fiber is essential for regular bowel movement. Fiber also helps in reducing cholesterol that can block arteries and veins Manganese, is a natural oxidant which is present in eggplants that can improve immunity to fight against cancer.

Phenolic compounds that makes the color of eggplants purple and the presence of potassium helps in improving bone health.

Thai yellow eggplants can help in curing stomach ulcers

Culinary Benefits of Thai Yellow Eggplants

Bitter yellow eggplant can increase the heat of chilies. It is used in Thai curries and salads.