Learn About Basket Production

An abode of hanging flowers

Hanging baskets: a beauty of gardening:

Flowering hanging baskets provide instant color for the summer deck, porch, or patio and provide the structural material for vertical gardening. Sales of hanging baskets are currently increasing because they provide instant color and decoration. The trend of basket production is also increasing because many new homes have limited land- scraping space.

Production of hanging baskets:

The production of flowering hanging baskets during the spring bedding plant season has become an important part of greenhouse production. More container types and plant species are being produced than ever before.

Utilization of baskets:

Hanging baskets allow growers to utilize areas over benches, aisles and pathways to generate significant revenues and take advantage of areas which must be heated and covered in glazing anyway. However, utilization of overhead areas do not preclude the development of production areas dedicated to basket production. In fact, many businesses have developed whole greenhouses or sections that use various staggered basket hanging schemes. In either case, careful planning of the production facility and crop scheduling is required.


The most commonly used hanging basket containers are 8, 10 and 12 inch plastic pots with snap-on plastic or wire hangers. Many designs are available, even those with planting holes on the side of the pot. In selecting a hanging basket, make sure the hangers can be quickly and easily attached to the pots and that the hangers are strong enough to support the weight of the pot, wet media and plant without breaking. Saucers should also snap in place easily and quickly but remain in place.


The growing medium must be a well-drained, well-aerated mix suited to the species being grown. Most reputable commercial mixes or grower-made mixes with these properties and proper pH and fertility adjustments work well.


The number of seedlings or cuttings (starters) planted per pot depends on starter plant quality and cost, species growth rate, pot size, and production time allotted. The number of starter plants per pot varies from 1 to 5 in an 8″ basket with three being common, to 3 to 8 in a 10″ pot with 4 or 5 being common. Fewer starters may be used when starter plant cost is high (i.e., usually those purchased from specialists propagators), bench space is available (i.e., early in the season), or the plant species grows fast and is naturally self-branching. However, the production time may be longer and labor costs higher if regular pinches are require to develop a full basket.

Season and Cultivation

Asiatic pennywort originated from the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and swampy regions of the Southeastern United States. It is an aquatic plant, as such, it is cultivated in an area with a plentiful supply of water and low temperature. Asian pennywort is propagated using its rhizomes.

Nutritional Facts

Asiatic pennywort has an abundant supply of vitamins, calcium, magnesium, sodium, manganese, and zinc. It contains the right mix of these essential nutrients and combines to give the body vitality and healthy living. This is why many refer to pennywort tea as a health tonic.

Medicinal Use

Medicinally, there are diverse uses to which pennywort plant can be put. It can be made into herb which can assist in the absorption of the nutrient. Also, because Asiatic pennywort is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, it prevents cancer. The plant also has vitamins, minerals, and calcium which help in treating arthritis.

Pennywort eliminates toxins from the immune system. It regulates blood pressure, prevents heart failure, urinary tract infections.


Other Uses

Asian pennywort is a worthy mention when it comes to memory boosting foods and hair growth. The herb is also useful in preventing aging as well as reducing cellulite in women. Pennyworth also helps in correcting sleeping disorders.

Culinary Uses

The leaves of Asiatic pennywort have a sweet and at the same time sour flavor, and it is commonly used in Asian cuisine. In Vietnam, pennywort leaves are usually made into a sweetened soft drink and canned as a refreshing drink. In Indian culinary, pennywort, known as “Igotu kola,” or “Brahmi” is sometimes eaten raw or cooked in curries. A yummy example of the Asian pennywort is pennywort salad with soya bean.

At the Namkhan village, guests will get to enjoy delicious meals prepared with fresh herbs like the Asian pennywort. Our Spanish Mediterranean inspired organic restaurants will offer as much as possible from the farm. Our cuisines include salads, micro greens, and salads juices, vegetable fruit smoothies, some Spanish tapas, or tortillas.

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