Learn About Seeding: A Walk Through Our Gardens

Literal meaning of Seed:

The term โ€œseedโ€ also has a general meaning that meansโ€”anything that can be sown, e.g. โ€œseedโ€ potatoes, โ€œseedsโ€ of corn or sunflower โ€œseedsโ€. In the case of sunflower and corn โ€œseedsโ€, what is sown is the seed enclosed in a shell or husk, whereas the potato is a tuber.


Seeding is believing:

Seeding is a simple process of sowing land with seeds for production of plants. This development process that starts with the sowing of seed in land and turns into a plant in also known as germination. Among the major field crops, oats, wheat, and rye are sown, grasses and legumes are seeded and maize and soybeans are planted. Just like life of a human being starts from a drop of water, similarly life of a plant starts with a little seed. But โ€œSeeding is Believingโ€ which means before going to sow a seed, make a firm believe into your heart that some-day it will turn into a full fledge plant, doesnโ€™t matter how much months, or years it will take. The process of seeding requires a lots of patience because every seed you plant requires an incubation period before it manifests.


Life cycle of Seeding:

Everything that lives on earth has a life cycle. Life begins, it grows, it reproduces, it dies. But what is a plantโ€™s life cycle? Plants start their lives as tiny seeds. Seeds can be as tiny as a grain of side or bigger than a fingernail. Some are round, while others are flat or tear-shaped. Inside a seed is an embryo, which is a tiny plant, and the endosperm, which are small leaves which supply the embryo food. The outside of the seed has a seed coat, which protects the embryo from injury or drying out.


Essential Conditions for seeding:

There are certain requirements of seeding without which a plant cannot grow. The conditions required for the growth of a seed are moisture, warmth, nutrient rich soil, sunlight and most importantly good quality seed. For the growth of seed, these conditions needs to be fulfilled.


Stages of growth:

Seeds are the product of the ripened ovule, after fertilization by pollen and some growth within the mother plant. After the seed is planted, the seed absorbs water from the soil and provides moisture to the embryo. With this, the plant cells inside the seed start duplicating and enzymes get activated. With the activation of enzymes, embryo starts getting nourishment. The very first sign of the growth is a tiny root which comes out of a seed. With more and more nourishment the embryo starts growing. With maximum nourishment, eventually, the growing plant bursts open through the seed coat in search of sun light.


Seeding and photosynthesis:

Sunlight helps in starting the process of photosynthesis. Here the seed coat falls off and root starts growing downwards to anchor the seed and searches for more food and nutrients from the soil. Here the shoot also start growing upward and a baby plant with tiny leaves comes into being.

mid section of woman planting seeds in garden 2023 11 27 05 34 03 utc scaled scaled

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