Water Spinach

Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) is a semi aquatic, tropical plant grown as a vegetable. It belongs to the member of the Convolvulaceae (Morning glory) family and the same genus as the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). Its tender shoots and leaves serve for the purpose of its vegetation. Its origin is an issue of research and debate. It is found throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It is alsopopular in different languages. Some of its names are river spinach, water convolvulus, water morning glory,Chinese watercress, Chinese convolvulus,Chinese spinach, swamp cabbage or Hong Kong in Southeast Asia. The best part about its vegetation is that it requires little or least care. It’s a super food and widely loved by health conscious people and parents.

Seasons and where it grows

Water Spinach flourishes naturally in waterways. It has been listed on the USDA Internet site as a “Class A noxious weed”, especially in the states of Florida, California, and Hawaii, where it can be observed growing in the wild. It has been extensively cultivated in Texas for over 30 years. It is also found in Sri Lanka where it invades wetlands. This vegetable is quite famous in Taiwan where it grows well. It became a popular wartime crop during the Japanese occupation of Singapore in World War II as it grew remarkably easily in many areas.
Texas lifted its ban on cultivation for personal use with no restrictions or requirements. Realizing its importance and usability as a vegetable in many cultures, also began permitting cultivation for commercial sales with the requirement of an exotic species permit.

Health benefits and nutritional information

Water Spinach is ranked among world’s healthiest food. During the 1930’s and post it, the vegetable became widely loved and demanded in the market by parents as well as kids after the famous comic and cartoon Popeye. It is a rich source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are highly beneficial for skin eyes and brain. It contains abundance of water, iron, vitamin C and Vitamin A among other rich nutrients. It is also a source of calcium and fiber. Water spinach helps us keep ourselves healthy and young complemented with beautiful and radiant skin and strong teeth bones and hair. It reduces cholesterol, cures anemia, controls diabetes, treats jaundice and liver problems, increases metabolism and provides solution for constipation and indigestion, helpful for heart disease patients, prevents cancer, beneficial for eyes, rejuvenates skin and maintains healthy scalp and hair, also famous for its anti aging benefits.

Medicinal use of water spinach

It is highly effective in treating ulcers, menstrual pains, toothache, urination, nosebleed etc. It also acts as a sedative for people suffering from insomnia or sleeping difficulty. Its juice mixed with water is used as a cold compress to treat fever. Being anti-venom, it is used to promote vomiting in case of poisoning.

It treats skin diseases such as ringworm; athlete’s foot etc. helps in the prevention of skin cancer and is used in the treatment of acne, eczema and psoriasis.
Due to its healing and detoxifying properties, it helps in providing relief in case of skin itching or insect bites.

Culinary use of water spinach

Water Spinach is used in a variety of ways in different cultures differing from health purpose to methods of cooking. It can be used in soup, juice.It can be fried, simply cooked or even consumed raw. It is used extensively in Burmese, Thai, Lao, Cambodian, and Malay, Vietnamese, Filipino, and Chinese cuisine, especially in rural or village areas. It is also used in salads. In Southeast Asia, it is famous as a stir fried dish and usually stir fried with chili pepper ginger or other spices. In some countries it is eaten raw with papayas and other fruits while in others it is boiled or fried with shrimp or fish. To make it tastier at times it is minced with onion, chili and lemon.