
The Namkhan Resort
Ban Donkeo, Luang Prabang,
06000 Laos
Phone: +856 (0)30 999 7327

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Cauliflower: Medicinal and Nutritious Plant

Cauliflower: Medicinal and Nutritious Plant

Have you ever seen clusters of cauliflowers aggregating at a point? It no doubt gives a great visual impression that compels all. The cauliflower is of the family of Brassica oleracea,which includes brussels sprouts, cabbage and other “coles.” It is a plant rich in sulfuric materials.

Season and Cultivation

Cauliflower thrives in cool temperature, and it is a family of the common cabbage. They take up quite a bit of space, need rich, deep soil and need plenty of watering. The soil should contain a high proportion of organic matter; decaying organic mature may be infused into the land before planting.

Nutritional Information

Cauliflowers have low levels of saturated fat and cholesterol. It also contains Protein, Thiamin, and Riboflavin in substantial quantities. Likewise, it has Niacin, Magnesium, and Phosphorus as well. Furthermore, cauliflowers supply dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6 and folate to the body. Additionally, pantothenic acid, potassium, and manganese are all present as nutrients in cauliflower.

Medicinal use

Cauliflowers are of immense clinical significance to humans and other living organisms alike. It assists in eliminating toxins from the body. It helps in reducing retinal detachment. It also helps to lower high blood pressure and stabilizes blood sugar. Furthermore, cauliflowers reduce heart attack, lower cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents cancer. Lastly, cauliflowers are useful in curing breast cancer. Cauliflowers can surprisingly have antioxidants which make it prevent aging. It is also useful in combating skin problems as it has potent antioxidants like Vitamin C and manganese. Besides, it is helpful for hair growth and restoring failing hair.

Culinary Uses of Cauliflowers

There are countless ways of taking cauliflowers. It can be roasted, boiled, fried, steamed, pickled, or even eaten raw.It can as well be cooked with egg, salsa, and can be made as a salad. Furthermore, it could be used in making doughs for making pizza. A delicious cauliflower food idea is roasted garlic cauliflower.
At the Namkhan village, guests will get to enjoy delicious meals prepared with fresh cauliflowers. Our Spanish Mediterranean inspired organic restaurants will offer as much as possible from the farm. Our cuisines include salads, micro greens, and salads juices, vegetable fruit smoothies, some Spanish tapas, or tortillas.

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